Jean's Photo

Jean’s updated photo coming soon

Jean M. Bradt, Ph.D. [pronounced BROT]

Jean took a walk with her father when she was four years old—through a field of timothy and alfalfa grasses. That’s when she learned she had severe allergic hypersensitivities. Those and other hypersensitivities would follow her throughout her life.

In May, 1988, Jean earned a Ph.D. in psychology at Loyola University of Chicago. “Piece of cake,” you may think, but you try earning a Ph.D, all the while sneezing violently, struggling to breathe, and itching relentlessly.

Dr. Bradt taught psychology at the college level for eight years. She retired, engaged in a successful allergic desensitization program, and took up  writing. She is a published (mainly online) writer of essays, fictional stories, and one poem. Now she is writing a novel.