Open A Tight Bottle Without Looking Stupid

How to open a tight soda bottle without looking stupid.

Click here: Jump To The Solution



Grip pads? They’re no good alone. Jump To The Solution. Do use one, but click on the solution and follow Steps 2 to 6 as well.

To get a tight cap off a bottle of soda, water, wine, etc., do your friends give you advice like this: buy a jar lid gripper (non-slip rubber pad) or use a dish towel or rubber glove? This is how you begin, but next you…

Did your BFF advise you to run the bottle’s cap under hot water? This will not work if, for safety, your water heater does not heat water to a high enough temperature.

Do your companions insist that if you firmly grasp the bottle and hit the cap against a hard surface, you will succeed in opening the bottle? Sure, if you like soda with no bubbles in it. Brute force methods break up carbonation.

Do they demand that you tap the lid with a spoon or other metal object? By now, I think you get the picture: another gimmick that rarely works.

Do those who are not present while you struggle to open the bottle tell you, “Sorry, I can’t come over and help you right now. Why don’t you ask someone else?” But they’re out shopping. So you ask another, who is away on vacation. And still another, who is asleep. Suppose you get tired of searching for friends who can help you open bottles.

Suppose, in general, you don’t like constantly depending on others. Here’s how to open a tight soda, water, or champagne bottle on your own:


 How To Open A Tight Soda Bottle:

  1. Get out your grip pad.
  2. Adopt a firm stance.
  3. Wrap the pad around the bottle’s cap.
  4. Engage your imagination and your past experience. Think of someone you are absolutely furious with.
  5. Wait a moment. Allow your anger to build slowly.
  6. Slam that cap off that bottle.